We can facilitate the following trainings through our training providers:
Online Courses
- Handling Information & Information Governance (Care Cert)
- Safeguarding Children Level 3
- Anaphylaxis
- Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia & Learning Disability (Care Cert)
- Basic Medical Gas Training
- Communication
- Complaint Handling
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
- Dignity and Privacy (care cert)
- Documentation and record keeping
- Duty of Care (Care Cert)
- Equality & Diversity (Care Cert)
- Fire Safety and Awareness
- First Aid & Burns
- Food Hygiene & Safety
- Health & Safety (Care Cert)
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Lone Worker
- Manual Handling & Moving
- Nutrition and Fluids (Care Cert)
- Risk Assessment
- Safeguarding Children Levels 1 and 2
- Seizures
- Safeguarding Adults Level 2
- Safeguarding Adults Level 3
- Understanding Your Role (Care Cert)
- Violence & Aggression/Conflict Management
- Work in a Person Centred Way (Care Cert)
- Your Personal Development (Care Cert)
Face to Face
- Care Certificate
- Compliance in 2 Days
- PMVA (5 Day Course)
- PMVA (3 Day Course)
- PMVA & Breakaway (1 Day Refresher Course)
- Intermediate Life Support Course (Refresher)
- Basic Life Support (Full Day)
- Basic Life Support (Refresher)
- Paediatric First Aid – Ofsted Compliant (12 hours) for Nursery Staff & Childminders
- Paediatric Basic Life Support (Refresher)
- 2 Day Train the Trainer Manual Handling, the Moving of People & Inanimate Objects
- Full Day Manual Handling, the Moving of People & Inanimate Objects
- 4 Hour Manual Handling, the Moving of People & Inanimate Objects (Refresher)
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Fire Safety
- Compliance in a Day (for Nurses)
The Care Certificate
This contains the 15 standards listed below;
- Understand your role
- Your personal development
- Duty of care
- Equality and diversity
- Work in a person centred way
- Communication
- Privacy and dignity
- Fluids and nutrition
- Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disability
- Safeguarding adults
- Safeguarding Children
- Basic Life Support
- Health and Safety
- Handling information
- Infection prevention and control